The thermostatic valve is composed of a thermostat controller, a flow regulating valve and a pair of connecting members, wherein the core component of the thermostat controller is a sensor unit, that is, a warm pack. The temperature package can sense the change of the ambient temperature and produce a volume change, which drives the valve plug of the regulating valve to generate displacement, thereby adjusting the amount of radiator water to change the heat dissipation of the radiator. The temperature setting of the thermostatic valve can be artificially adjusted, and the thermostatic valve will automatically control and adjust the amount of radiator water according to the set requirements to achieve the purpose of controlling the indoor temperature.
    The temperature control valve is correctly installed in the heating system, and the user can adjust and set the temperature according to the room temperature requirements. This ensures that the room temperature is constant, avoiding unbalanced water in the riser and uneven room temperature in the upper and lower layers of the single pipe system. At the same time, the functions of constant temperature control, free heat and economic operation can not only improve the comfort of the indoor thermal environment, but also achieve energy saving.

How to determine the correct installation position of the thermostatic valve:

    1. The temperature control valve is generally installed on each radiator inlet pipe or on the main inlet inlet pipe of the household heating system. Especially for the built-in sensor, vertical installation is not recommended. The thermal effect of the valve body and surface pipe may cause the thermostat controller to malfunction. It should be ensured that the thermostatic valve sensor can sense the ambient circulating air temperature and is not covered by the curtain box or the heating cover.
    2. Reduce investment and propose that only one temperature control valve solution should be installed on the indoor system (one heating system).
    Normally, a thermostatic valve should be installed on each set of radiators (ie each room). Reduce investment and propose that only one temperature control valve solution should be installed on the indoor system (one heating system). The following is the first analysis of the thermal characteristics of the single pipe system, that is, the flow and room temperature changes, and pointed out the installation method of the temperature control valve.
    2.1 Single-tube indoor system only has a temperature control valve in the end room. The calculation of a five-story upstairs single-tube downstream system (also applicable to the indoor single-tube downstream system) is performed using the thermal network simulation analysis software. The results are shown in Table 1. Table 1 shows the constant temperature of the water supply. This situation is more representative of the actual operating conditions of uneven distribution of flow in a large heating system. Under the design external temperature, if the actual flow rate is less than the design flow rate (relative flow rate is less than 1), the upper layer heat and the lower layer cold phenomenon will occur; if the actual flow rate is greater than the design flow rate (relative flow rate is greater than 1.0), the upper layer cold and the lower layer heat will occur.
    The vertical imbalance of the single-tube system is characterized by the higher the flow rate and the higher the room temperature at the end room; the smaller the flow rate, the lower the room temperature at the end room. This thermal characteristic, single-tube system, one temperature control valve per household should be as follows:
    (1) Single-tube downstream indoor system, a temperature-controlled valve shall be installed on the radiator of the indoor system Zui end room;
    (2) With a single-tube indoor system with a spanning pipe, a temperature-controlled valve should be installed in the indoor water supply pipe or return pipe of the indoor system. The remote temperature sensor of the temperature control valve should be placed in the end room of the indoor system;
    (3) The split single-tube downstream system on the old building, each temperature control valve of the riser should be installed on the radiator of the bottom room of the Zui. At this time, the heat supply should be measured by the heat distributor. It should be pointed out that the use of such a temperature control valve has the advantages of improving the adjustment performance of the heating system and reducing the initial investment of the project; the disadvantage is that the room temperature of each room is the same standard and cannot be adjusted as desired.
    2.2 Double-tube indoor system A temperature-controlled valve is installed at the entrance of the household. The vertical imbalance of the double pipe system is caused by the change of the system flow caused by the natural circulation action head change. This system, Zui ideal solution is to install a temperature control valve on each radiator. Some property developers are reluctant to increase investment and cancel all temperature control valves. Although there will be no serious imbalances in the indoor system, it will inevitably lead to vertical imbalance between the layers in the building. This is also proven in engineering practice. In order to reduce the cost and not affect the heating system regulation function, in the double-tube indoor system, a temperature control valve is installed at the indoor entrance, and the remote temperature sensor can be placed in any room. This solution, the lack of flexibility in room temperature adjustment per room, but improved the uneven heat and cold between the layers of the building, more in line with the current domestic economic situation.

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